

In theory, I love the idea of recording special daily moments in a notebook.

In practice, it doesn't work. I don't want to stop life in its tracks to go write something down, missing whatever precious moment is occurring in the process. When evening comes and she is in bed, I tend to not remember the moment as clearly, or I forget it altogether. There are just so many. The moments themselves wash over me, but the emotions they evoke linger in me always. Gratitude for having the privilege daily to watch her grow, deep pride as she acquires new skills and makes new discoveries, overwhelming awe and wonderment...  these are what I'm left with at the end of the day, the week, the month, this stage, this age. In addition to exhaustion, which I receive joyfully.

most days.

And I think it is better this way, at least, more meaningful, to remember the emotions rather than the events themselves. It's not going to matter much that she departed from being held and took her first independent stroll around Sears this last week (after all, all children will at one point prefer to get down)--- it matters so much more the confidence and exuberance she emanated, and how much joy I experienced seeing her do so.

Since I'm thinking of them now, here are the words and onomatopoeias popping out of her mouth (the list by no means complete):

tat (cat)

prmm-prmm  (car)

ang-oo (thank you)

bpoo (blue)

bpoo-coo (Blue's Clues)

mmmmmmmmmm (used in excellent context!)

ba (ball)

dad or dad-dad-dad

mamamama or maaaahhhm-meeeee

pr-pr-pr and sometimes upr (up)

yes (very clearly! Still no 'no', just head shaking. I'll take this as long as I can)

buh (book)

ree (read)

roooooar! (lion)

boo (boot)

shhh (shoe)

proo (poop)

ha (hat)

iss (kiss)

haai! (hi)

bahy (bye bye)

fuh (foot)

iss biss ("The Itsy Bitsy Spider")

OHMneeOHMneeOHMenee (yummy yummy yummy... and it's pretty much the most adorable word I've ever heard)

pol (apple)

onj (orange)

ought (hot)

ny ny ny (night night)

Ah-lees or Lees (her name :))