The last three months have been happily filled visiting with friends and family, and these visits have been interspersed with Stephen's out of town training journeys. To those we've been able to see so far, we are so thankful that our schedules allowed that time! As the merge between Alltel and Verizon draws to full fruition this fall, Stephen's schedule is expected to fly all over the place, so these visits couldn't have come at a better time.
The visits have also brought a much-welcomed light to our corner of the world. In early May, we received what we thought was a positive pregnancy test, paired with intense and unmistakable pregnancy symptoms. However, blood-work revealed there was not a pregnancy. Either I was pregnant but abruptly miscarried, or we misread the test and my symptoms were just a stronger brand of the PCOS crazies. My doctor did not offer an explanation when she called me with my results, and I was too shell-shocked to inquire at the time. Now, months later, I feel little closure and my heart feels as if all its emotions have been wiped blank. This is the reason I have not updated for so long. It has recently taken up a significant portion of my thought-life, but it is also a very sensitive topic, which is why I debated for months before deciding to post this (I feel removed enough now to share). We are in the process of finding a reproductive endocrinologist to get ourselves checked out and make sure everything works as it should, and in the meantime, hopefully receive some closure with a verdict concerning what happened in May. We've been able to lean heavily on family for encouragement, optimism, and distraction, though most of the time this support as been unknowingly given. We simply thank you for loving both of us ceaselessly!!