
Annelise is...

Annelise is...

... 1 month and 6 days old (or, 5 weeks and 1 day!)

... waking 2-3 times a night to eat. Often, these are short feedings since she stockpiles in the evenings.

... smiling in response to us! She likes "chin choppers" and kisses on the face. She bit me while nursing this morning, causing me to cry out suddenly in pain. Her reaction to my outburst: a big ol' grin!

... very much loved by her kitties. They often join us in bed for family cuddles; and give
Lise gentle kisses on her head, and affectionate head butts. :)

... just getting over her first cold. Saline drops and the 'snot sucker' are not her favs.

... putting on the chunk. I adore every new crease and am amazed with each outgrown outfit (and is it hard to pack away those little clothes!). Her last weigh-in at 2 weeks clocked her at 7 lbs 4 oz. She's certainly well over 8 lbs now, I'm sure.

... alert and observant, craning her neck to check out her surroundings. Lately, she gazes at the Christmas tree.

... going to be stringing words together any day now! Ok, not really... but she is itching to "talk". She loves to sit tummy-to-tummy with us, as we hold her face toward ours. We have our best conversations this way!

... known for her "OHHH!" face

... holding her head up very well, for several seconds at a time.

... SO well loved!!


A Late Announcement

Yup, I'm no longer pregnant... and haven't been for nearly a month. Wow, where does the time go?!

We went in for induction the evening of November 3, had a c-section November 5, and came home November 8 with a beautiful baby GIRL!

born November 5, 2010
at 12:29 am
7 lbs 1.5 oz, 20 inches

Tomorrow, Annelise will be four weeks old. In some ways, it feels like we just came home with her, as we are still trying to get in the swing of this whole parenthood thing. In other ways, she's been with us forever and it's weird to think it has ONLY been four weeks. She is sooo well loved by the two of us, and our family and friends. I can't wait to watch her grow.