
Taste of Spring

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous as spring fever swept the house. Stephen had the day off, our windows and blinds were wide open, and the house was clean. It was wondrously relaxing, but productive. 

After sitting in the parking lot for five days the Trailblazer is now registered and legal to drive. 

The kitties have taken in avid interest in the feathery plump twittery creatures that visit our balcony, so we bought a bird feeder to ensure continued feline entertainment. 

After grocery shopping, I sat out on our balcony with our lap-accessible entertainment device and a tubby orange kitty busy sniffing every. inch. of the balcony. After he finished investigating with his olfactory,  he plopped down and dozed in the warm glimmer of sunshine. Meanwhile, Stephen was within the house raptly participating in a conference call for work while playing Battlefield. :D

Then we sorted through Stephen's clothes. Some to Goodwill, lots to throw away (socks/undies mainly), and few odds and ends to keep for a time when there is "less" of Stephen. We do alright buying new clothes when we need them, but somehow the new clothes became additions rather than replacements.

Veriz-ell institutes a new dress code next Monday, so we spent a chunk of yesterday evening in Kohl's trying to color-coordinate ties with dress shirts. At this point we are rather inexperienced, though Stephen can at least tie his own tie.

The day was capped off with a cozy fire, a new episode of Lost, and new purple butterfly jammie bottoms that were in my usual size, but a little too big. 

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