
Christmas Tree Trimming 2011- Part 1

prancing around with her snackie in hand (her first taste of summer sausage)

We bought a new tree this year. It is a foot taller than our last tree. When it came time to attach the star, I asked how we're going to do it. We then proceeded to stare blankly at each other. Hmmm. We eventually decided it was appropriate to find a sturdy object on which to boost Stephen's height. Even after the added foot to his height, it was a difficult task to place the star.
See? Yeah. Hopefully the little one will pick up star-placing skills from somewhere else, because she isn't getting them here.
... meanwhile, she finds the beads
Oh, the beads! How awesome is life.

This girl's faces crack me up!

... more pics to come of our tree-trimming adventure tomorrow. I'm beat!

1 comment:

Minnow said...

I LOVE the picture of her watching stephen hang the star! (you just see a little head)

Also that Christmas tree cup looks familiar... :) great pictures Crick