The rash is worse and her sleep is remaining a disaster. Wake-ups occurred every hour overnight, she was up for the day too early, and getting her to finally nap took hours. Thankfully, she accepted a second nap this evening and enjoyed Daddy-time. Bracing self for bedtime this evening, and feeling deep remorse for foolishly testing dairy on her--- no way was 6 weeks long enough, and I think I knew better. I wonder what is going on inside of her that dairy affects sleep this way. She doesn't appear to be uncomfortable, she's just--- wired. Like she's caffeinated.
She's saying "thank you" ("kang-goo") and "yup" (clear as day). She's consistently signing "all done"; but would still rather face-plant, whine, and pull at my shirt for "milk". That one's taking awhile!
Are you trying any sign language with her? It was hard to teach Kainen the first one (more) but he got please and thank you and milk very quickly but hasnt learned more than that... He still uses sign language even though he can say the words.
We've done "more", "milk", and "all done" since She was about 4 months old, "help" since 9 months. She knows what they all mean, especially "milk" but has been taking her time with signing them back. Sign language is a wonderful way to communicate as they develop their verbal skills. It really cuts down on the frustration. Just keep at it with K :)
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