
Furniture and addressing a most concerning issue

We have our furniture! It finally feels like a home here. 

Zoe seems quite afraid of the new additions to our living room and dining area... she's hiding in the guest bedroom. Howie, however, thinks it's pretty cool. He's being a good boy so far, staying off our new table.
Kim noticed an inequality in number between Howie and Zoe pics on this blog. It is an issue I am well aware of. The gads of Howie pics indicate nothing more than his availability. What can I say, my little girl is usually off by herself doing her own thing. As is the case with the most beautiful things in life, she is a tad difficult to capture on camera. ;-)

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Excellent way to look at it. Of course, if they could speak 'people', Zoe would point out that you clearly must like Howie better...