
Little Picture Post-- From Way Back to Now

I haven't posted pictures for awhile so I figured I'd do that as well as fill in some holes. I admit, I've failed as our family photographer for the last several months, but memories were made nonetheless.

In March, I met my little nephew Memphis Gene (son of my step-sister, Emily!). A big cutie pie!

My friend Rachel, at her baby shower in April. Her little guy, Tanner Lathan, was born June 3 and looks just like her!

At the end of May, we camped out with Kim and Chris.

June was filled with lots of visits to Shadow Lake for fishing!

July, at an Omaha Royals game.

The end of July, eating at The Cheesecake Factory for the very first time with an old and a new friend.

There you have it. A succinct, but pathetically incomplete pictorial synopsis of the last six months. :-P

1 comment:

The Blackley Tribe said...

I'm a fan of the pics...I love to SEE what other people are doing! Keep 'em coming!