
HELP WANTED: New Arrangements

In light of very recent automobile accidents, we are canceling our services with Johnson and Son, and doing the move "the old-fashioned way". That's right folks, WE are going to do it.

Mom and Stan are more than happy to come up with us after the concert to help us out. This is a GIGANTIC help!!!

Our task is to recruit helpers on both ends. If you are in the Eastern Iowa or Omaha/Lincoln area and you would like to assist us on Sunday, November 30th, we would be very grateful. Even if you don't live in the area, and you'd like to cap off your Thanksgiving weekend by moving a piano up a flight of stairs, in the bitter cold and probable frozen elements, you are more than welcome to take advantage of the decent gas prices and drive your helpful self over to the loading or receiving location.

Panic mode was short-lived this morning. I am so thankful for my mom and my stepdad!

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