
A week before Election '08

I took the car into Ulrich after my class, and they estimated the repairs from last weekend's fright fest to cost a little over $1,000. The rear bumper damage from antiquity will run a whopping $4,000. I don't know how much our insurance will take care of; Stephen said our deductible is $500, but I don't know if that applies
 to the rear damage since it happened so long ago.

I am more than thrilled that my professors are happy to work with me to get my semester wrapped up early. I am going to attend class as long as we are still living here, but I, at least, received Prof. Lahart's "ok" to miss classes toward the end of the month if I really need to. I'm glad I made a point to develop positive, working relationships with my profs and maintain excellent standing in class, because I doubt I would be granted this flexibility otherwise.

Aunt Angie gave us a call last night to tell us that my Uncle Gary is in the hospital. He was at work, when, around lunchtime, his coworkers noticed he did not know their names and acted aloof. His boss was actually the one who took Gary to the hospital and called my grandparents. They did a few tests to see if there were any indications that he suffered from a stroke, but the tests did not show anything, so they were going to send him home. However, Gary couldn't even find his keys (which were in his hand), and continued to act absent-minded as he was heading out the hospital, so my family insisted that he stay because there was obviously something very wrong. He's experienced headaches for awhile now, and has said that this has happened before, so there is murmur that this could be a tumor. Of course, we don't know anything yet; hopefully the tests will point to something that can be fixed.

Stephen will be in NE today and tomorrow. I held a self-photo shoot when I got home this afternoon so I could send one to Stephen's email. I have very few recent pictures of me, since I am either behind the camera or evading it!


Teresa said...

I talked with your dad yesterday (Wed) and he said they were thinking it might have been a TIA (mini stroke, usually recovers with little or no leftover symptoms) but they were going to do some testing to find out 1)if that's actually it and 2)why this happened.

Please keep me posted.

theknittels said...

Yeah, dad called me yesterday and said they were doing a scope procedure where they push a camera down his esophogus. Hopefully I'll hear results on that tonight when I get home, or sometime tomorrow.