
Lighting Strikes Us Twice

Just when I thought this next month was going to be a piece of cake:

Stephen just hit a deer on the highway, in the Saturn SL. 

He is safe.

We have liability only on this car; though this accident is the deer's fault, the deer is unfortunately uninsured.

In Stephen's words "the car is not drive-able." It runs, yes, but the damage is far, far beyond what the car is worth.

I don't know what we are going to do and where the money is going to come from to get us through this. We have a mere $500 in our savings. I do NOT want to take out another loan for another car... 

Stephen somehow needs a vehicle so he can be in Nebraska City starting Monday. We are hoping Alltel will help him out with that.

As for buying another car, we can hold off on our living room furniture, and juggle with one car the best we can until we have a few thousand saved up. 

UGH, this is just horrible, horrible timing---right in the middle of a major transition!

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