
We're Here.

We made it to our apt in Papillion.

It was a long, long day but it went along as planned. The movers did not finish up until nearly 8:45 tonight; they were frankly very slow in more ways than one.

Chris and Kim walked over and hung out with us; it is very nice having friends nearby. Kim will be a blast. She likes to bake, loves pets, and has a great sense of humor. 

Howie and Zoe are making themselves right at home. I think the 4 hour car ride in their little kennels did them in. Howie made sure to remind us how unappreciative he was about the transportation setup as often as he could. Sometimes his "reminders" were rather indignant, sassy even. At others, he sounded defeatedly forlorn. Zoe was a trooper and laid quietly the whole way, with so few tiny mews that I could count them on one hand. Once in the new apt, they slept on their pillows in the bathroom while the movers [slowly] did their work.

Hardly anything is put away; the most I accomplished was sorting our dirty clothes, which is a lot since neither Stephen or I have washed laundry for two weeks. Oh well, there is no rush, as long as things are sort of put away by New Years. 

6th Semi-Annual Moving Day

Stephen and I did not get home from KC last night due to wintry weather conditions. Instead, we stayed at a Hampton Inn in West Des Moines and slept on clean sheets and fluffy pillows.

The roads were worse this morning, but we made it home safely without a stigma-inducing event.

The movers arrived at 9 and are nearly finished, with just the garage and a couple more furniture items to do.

The kitties and I are hanging out in our very empty bedroom. Poor little guys, they were so starved for attention when we got home this morning, but were shoved in the bathroom. Their cries were so pitiful. They have calmed down quite a bit due to their mommy sitting with them in the room. Howie is very taken with his kennel, and is definitely the qualified "safe place" for him. Zoe has rubbed all over me... sweet, but somehow she got poo on her side (still trying to figure this one out...), so contact is limited until I shampoo her again before we depart for NE.

Stephen wants me to get started on the bathroom, so this is all probably until we arrive!


More Pictures: Blackley Dinner

Picture Post: Thanksgiving 2008

Kristi, my sister, and Jamie... such lovely young ladies! :D

My mommy working hard to get ready for tonight's meal

Apple Pie, mmm!

Strawberry Pretzel Salad crust in the womb

I want this.


D-U-N, dun!

I have officially completed my associates degree! The euphoria has not quite sunk in yet, I am still contemplating what it means to not have schoolwork to do, but... I am done!!!!!!!

Probably last post while in Iowa

I am disconnecting our internet and tv tonight so I can return hardware to Mediacom tomorrow after school. Just saying "farewell" in case I can't post again until we are settled in Papillion.

I have all three of my papers done. They are by no means the best ones I've ever written, but I did do my best considering the circumstances, so to that extent I am satisfied. I will say I am a little anxious that I won't have an A in that class after all, but I suppose the only thing I can do is wait and see.

Busy, busy day tomorrow. I have to get to school early so I can proofread and print off the term paper (I don't want to waste our ink!!), go to my very last class, and then I need to turn in library books, sell back text books, drop by the bank and empty our safe deposit box, finish up the portfolio and turn it in, then head to Mediacom in Knoxville. Then I'll probably sleep. Welp, goodnight!


Finally Seeing the Light

I began writing my term paper about four hours ago, and I am about 35% finished with it. I have a long way to go (and a long night ahead of me), but 35% is SO MUCH BETTER than O%! Plus, the last part of the paper will not be as laborious, since I am citing so many facts in this first section. The last part will be me analyzing everything, so I can move much more quickly. Tomorrow, I am attacking my two book reviews.

I have less than 40 hours left of this semester and I will be done! Oh I cannot wait until I no longer have to think about Hitler, Napoleon, WWI, and how I've met all five objectives in my comp class! Finishing this semester will lead right into Stephen coming home to me (for good!), and us finishing up the very last bit of packing. Mom and I accomplished so much of the packing yesterday that it was not necessary to touch it today. Instead, we took the morning really slow, went for breakfast at Hy Vee, and watched "The Other Sister" on the iMac. 


Nebraska 'N' Stands for Knowledge, Right?

Hehe, so my post isn't at all related to the subject but I'm guessing it caught your attention.  I really should take time to update this thing more, but I'm too lazy (I wish I could say busy, but I'm not really).

So, I've got 4 or 5 days (depending on how you measure it) before I return to reality from this alternate universe that I've been living in for nearly the last month.  It's been tough being away from Meghan.  I miss her smile, and her eyes, and her sighs of annoyance (when she's annoyed), and cuddling with her at night, etc.  But it'll be alright, the end is near.  So, Stan is coming to hang out with me this weekend.  I'm very excited for his visit.  I've got some awesome friends up here that I've been hanging out with but I'm afraid that they're in need of some time for them.  I don't think that we'll do much specific but instead spend a lot of hang out time.  I'll show him our apartment and we'll find some food and some football and we'll even get to go to church tomorrow (yaay!).

Work has been going well, we're knocking out the sales and with some push and a little bit of luck (if that exists) I'll end up making some pretty good commission dollars.  

Recently, I've been thinking about my dad again.  I'm missing him.  What spurred the thoughts this week was spending some time with a couple of friends who've both lost someone close to them (one their uncle and another their sister).  We started talking about how we found out that our respective family members passed and all of them were sudden type things.  It's nice to just be able to talk to someone about losing a loved one and knowing that they have been through all-of-a-sudden losses of a family member too.  
On occasion, I glance over to the grieving journal that Meghan got me last Christmas and tell myself that I should really dedicate some time to thinking about Dad.  Of course, I never actually write in it, but it still awakens my thoughts about him (in a good way of course).
Well, I'd better get on with my bad self.  Stan should be here shortly (in an hour or so).




uhm... snow?

I am pretty much amazed that we have no snow on the ground thus far and probably won't see the white stuff until we are long settled in NE. Weird.



I've decided I am not allowed to think about how much time I have left to do everything. The more I think about it, the less I do, and the faster time moves by. So... no more thinking.

I am completely finished with one of my classes. In another, I just have a portfolio to turn in and I'll work on that in class Thursday night. In my third class, I have 3 papers due, which is what I am busting my butt doing without taking notice of the time (what? it is Wednesday afternoon you say?)

Our washer and dryer will be picked up tonight. My last load is going through the dryer as we speak. Kind of sad; we will probably never appreciate a washer and dryer set as much as we've appreciated this one, since it was our first.

My mom is coming up this weekend to help me pack. Boy, I am so thankful for this, and I know we won't possibly make it without this great help! Stephen was able to take Wednesday off, so I'll have a little extra "oomph" to wrap up the last of packing here. 

Thanksgiving will be awesome... a nice end to my semester and packing efforts, and a good refresher so we are ready for the move to Nebraska next Sunday. Just nice to kick back, eat real food, and hang out with family.

I have male furball attempting to lay on the keyboard, so I better wrap thisi usppgpag.

I mean, this up.


Sweet Saturday

I am so happy to have him home! 





Stephen is trying to come home tonight. I say "trying" because he has been feeling ill and tired this afternoon.

He's attempting to come alive again with a shower and some Advil, so hopefully he'll be alright to drive. I am nervous about him on the road so tired, but he really really really wants to come home, and I want him home too. 


Too Great of an Analogy

Today was probably the most productive day I've had since Stephen has been in NE... at least the tv was off and "playtime" with the cats was minimal. I still feel like I have a long way to go. My tree looks about the same to me... if it weren't for those new assignments I received last night and this morning (those in pen that we can't read in the picture), I would say I am making progress. :| One step forward, two steps back. Oh well, I guess when you prune a tree, you should expect the tree to grow rapidly. I didn't think my little visual was analogous to that extent.

I think my mom may be coming up to help me pack towards the end of next week; I feel so much relief about packing now (as it is written, two hands are better than one-- so true!). I just have to remind myself, it will all work out in the end. At some point, we will be snug in NE, school completed successfully, the move done, and I will be rolling peanut butter balls for my outgoing Christmas tins.

I can be such a worrywart.

Just a little bit of playtime before working

I picked up a kitty harness while I was out getting kitty food, and Trial 1 is on Zoe. I'm having her wear it all of today to get used to it being on. At first, she walked really low to the ground because of the pressure on her back, but now she is straightening up a bit. 

I took a few vids and will post them soon.


Effective November 30

New address:

1614 S. Grandview Ave #6
Papillion, NE   68046

New phone TBA

Saturn's Verdict

I took the Saturn in this afternoon for an estimate. Unfortunately, it is totaled. They valued the car at $3500... repairs would cost $3600, and that is with after-market parts.

So, we need to find someone or someplace to take the Saturn off our hands for the prettiest penny possible, and then we are getting a new car. Yaay.

Stephen has with him in his hotel our family's "new additon"... haha. He can post more about that in his own time.

We're chugging along; he with work, me with schoolwork. We move in a little less than 3 weeks. However, saying this in "days" makes me feel less stressed, so we move in 20 days. ;-)


Well, I'm settled in... At least as settled in as a guy living in a hotel room can be!

I SURVIVED my first week of my new store. phew... It was totally a LONG week with the sales rally combined with getting to know my new people but I made it. Work is going EXTREMELY well, my team is awesome and I think we're going to blow the lid off of that store very quickly! In addition to work I've been blessed with some local friends (Kim & Chris) that have been gracious enough to allow me to spend some time with them here and there. On Wednesday, they invited me over for supper; one that was indeed amazing (steak and twice baked potatos) and Tonight we got together again and ate amazing chinese food and watched Get Smart.

So, I'm totally over SEVERAL things that have to do with living the way that I am. 1) I'm over being alone. I REALLY miss my wife. Every single night it's back to ye ole hotel to sleep by myself and be comforted by my TV. That's NOT to say that I'm MISERABLE but it's not nearly as fun as spending the night with my wife.
2) I'm totally over staying in a hotel. It's not JUST that I'm alone, it's partially that I'm in a hotel room with no fridge and no microwave AND the loudest, most annoying group of 15 year olds took over my floor last night (don't they know that I'm a BUSINESS TRAVELER and I deserve quiet? ;) ) . It's weird because when I came last weekend I literally think I was one of 3 guests staying in the hotel. It was quiet and nice! When I returned from Chris & Kim's tonight, there were about 30 cars in the lot... UGH.
3) I'm over eating out.. well, okay, so I'm not really but I HAD to have a #3 or my list wouldn't be long enough to warrant bullet points. And I DO suppose that the funness of eating out is sort of wearing out for me but I can't say I hate it. The worst part is having to get up off my duff and go get some food.

Well, that's all I've got for you all tonight, it's midnight and I'm friggin' tired!


For Da-dah

First Snow Today!

I am surprised we are this far into fall before our first snow; I figured this would occur in October. I suppose our 75 degree weather a week ago should have been my first clue that snow was on its way! I usually make homemade cookies on the first snow of the season, but I think I'll settle for cookies made with Nestle's refrigerated dough. No accumulation is expected, but it was nice to watch this afternoon. I should have snapped a photo.

The "pruning" is coming along pretty well. I am delighted that my tree has withered in the last couple days. 

Tonight has been a very quiet evening. The kitties pestered me for their supper rather early. I tried so hard to ignore them, but Howie kept jumping up in front of the monitor while I was trying to work, Zoe was tapping me with her little paw from behind my chair, and every stinking time I got up to grab something they'd squeal and trot toward their dish. Then when I'd settle in the recliner to read, Howie would jump on my lap and lay on my textbook, purring and rubbing up against me. UGH. SO CUTE but SO ANNOYING. 

We switched to wet food recently, and they are loving it, but I think they are getting hungry faster... or maybe they love it so much that they want it early. At 5:15 this morning, I woke to Howie nipping me on my cheek and doing his cuddly purr thing, trying to get me up. He'd then go knock stuff off the dresser until I yelled at him "NO!", then he'd go back to cuddling and nipping. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Finally, I got up and fed them each a tiny scoop of dry food to hold them over until I got up later. I get back in bed and I hear Howie hacking up partially digested food- he had scarfed it down. The next 45 minutes I spent on puke watch and clean-up, comforting the little guy, but mad that he ate it so darn fast. I think we will supply a little bit of high-quality dry food during the night to keep them at least content until breakfast. This morning was nuts.

But anyway, like I was saying, tonight has been a quiet night. The kitties had their supper and now they are dozing. I'm doing schoolwork and watching Castaway on mute. 

I've been going back and forth between my recliner and the computer as I work, and each time I return to my recliner, Howie is laying it. Little thief. It doesn't help that he looks so incredibly cute.


***groans at self***

It's pretty much official that my energy and motivation from earlier this semester is long gone. I finally finished that paper I was supposed to finish last night. The whole of today was supposed to be dedicated to my music/culture presentation due tomorrow night--- that didn't happen. 

Somehow, I need to decide on my thesis, do research, make an outline, and design a power point all before 6pm tomorrow night. I would much rather just sleep through tomorrow and wake up to it magically accomplished. I think I'm getting sick....Oh, Mr. Dickinson, I've been barfing all night long and I can barely walk....


Task Tree

Today was supposed to be a major schoolwork day for me, but with the election going on, plus the million things rolling around in my mind, I have not been able to focus.

Mom recommended a dorky, but very effective idea of writing everything that I need to do on individual pieces of paper and sticking them up on the wall. This way, I don't have to think about anything; I have a visual representation right across the room.

Arranged vertically, as the "trunk", are all my papers/projects/presentations. Horizontally are the different steps needed to accomplish each task, in order, starting with the first step on the outside, and the last step on the inside. As I complete each step, I remove it from the wall and "prune" my tree. I think I'll take a picture each day to see how much progress I make. 

My mind feels less cluttered, but now I'm tired. I HAVE to get my October paper finished tonight. I better go pour myself a 3rd cup of coffee, make camp,... and mute that darn t.v. 

A Historic Evening

After 3 generations, our old couch, recliner, and rocker have continued its service outside the family line. In its place is the newer brown throne, relocated from the un-dining room for the time being.

"Pasrises" and Stephen's first day

Even though yesterday was my last day at Casey's, I stopped by the store this morning at my manager's request. My coworkers presented me a pretty vase of flowers and cute card which everyone signed. It was all very sweet and sentimental. 

In the first picture, from left to right, is Jaimie (the other donut person, she trained me), Danielle (my manager), me, and Dee.

I have more pictures, but I'm having problems uploading them on here because it either takes forever, or I 
end up accidentally deleting them. 

The outside of my card had a picture of a chihuahua on it saying "Adios", and the inside says "That's Spanish for: Sure, GO AHEAD and leave your friends, the only people who really care about you, FINE, JUST TAKE OFF!" I love it because it is exactly the kind of humor we use on each other in that store.

The rest of today I am drilling through schoolwork ***BOO***. At 6:30, our living room furniture will be picked up and whisked away forever. ***YAAY***.

Oh, an update on Stephen, just so this isn't all about me. His first day yesterday went very well. His team is motivated, and so far, easy to get along with. They have the potential to really reign in big monthly commissions. The store was the busiest he had ever seen in all his time working for Alltel; all his reps were with customers, with a line of 3+ customers waiting for most of the day yesterday. I'm anxious to see how today went.

I exercised my constitutional right...

...did you?


Straddling the Bread Basket

Stephen's Oksy team bought him a (very large) ice cream cake Friday for his last day, and it is waiting in our freezer for for someone's indulgence. :o  We didn't do anything for Halloween; I guess we are duds, though I was interested in watching a scary movie. I should stay Stephen is the dud.

He met me at work yesterday morning after I got off, and it was a nice surprise. After a LOOOOONG time and LOTS of stops (according to Stephen), we finally got on the road to Des Moines so he could pick up his rental car, have lunch with his sister and family, and drive on to Nebraska. He made it to Bellevue safe and sound around 6, and has the luxury of a hotel queen all to himself, as well as a very large lcd tv. He's going to come back to me with bad habits, I just know it. He'll want to take up the WHOLE bed, and have a tv in our room!

It doesn't bother me that he's out of town right now, but I think I'll be very excited to see him in two weeks. I'm just glad I'll be busy, because going a long time without him is nothing short of miserable.

I think we are going to paint this new apartment. Since Stephen is local, and he'll have a few empty evenings, it might be something to fill his time. We are shuffling around colors, but we both seem to like a subdued color like slate for the living/dining area, and then a warm mint for the kitchen. 

Tomorrow's my last day at Casey's, and I am just working a short 4 1/2 hour shift. 

My little sissy is 18 today- an adult!! Happy Birthday ERIKA!! No smoking!