
Nebraska 'N' Stands for Knowledge, Right?

Hehe, so my post isn't at all related to the subject but I'm guessing it caught your attention.  I really should take time to update this thing more, but I'm too lazy (I wish I could say busy, but I'm not really).

So, I've got 4 or 5 days (depending on how you measure it) before I return to reality from this alternate universe that I've been living in for nearly the last month.  It's been tough being away from Meghan.  I miss her smile, and her eyes, and her sighs of annoyance (when she's annoyed), and cuddling with her at night, etc.  But it'll be alright, the end is near.  So, Stan is coming to hang out with me this weekend.  I'm very excited for his visit.  I've got some awesome friends up here that I've been hanging out with but I'm afraid that they're in need of some time for them.  I don't think that we'll do much specific but instead spend a lot of hang out time.  I'll show him our apartment and we'll find some food and some football and we'll even get to go to church tomorrow (yaay!).

Work has been going well, we're knocking out the sales and with some push and a little bit of luck (if that exists) I'll end up making some pretty good commission dollars.  

Recently, I've been thinking about my dad again.  I'm missing him.  What spurred the thoughts this week was spending some time with a couple of friends who've both lost someone close to them (one their uncle and another their sister).  We started talking about how we found out that our respective family members passed and all of them were sudden type things.  It's nice to just be able to talk to someone about losing a loved one and knowing that they have been through all-of-a-sudden losses of a family member too.  
On occasion, I glance over to the grieving journal that Meghan got me last Christmas and tell myself that I should really dedicate some time to thinking about Dad.  Of course, I never actually write in it, but it still awakens my thoughts about him (in a good way of course).
Well, I'd better get on with my bad self.  Stan should be here shortly (in an hour or so).



1 comment:

theknittels said...

Thanks for posting, baby, I miss you too!!!