
Too Great of an Analogy

Today was probably the most productive day I've had since Stephen has been in NE... at least the tv was off and "playtime" with the cats was minimal. I still feel like I have a long way to go. My tree looks about the same to me... if it weren't for those new assignments I received last night and this morning (those in pen that we can't read in the picture), I would say I am making progress. :| One step forward, two steps back. Oh well, I guess when you prune a tree, you should expect the tree to grow rapidly. I didn't think my little visual was analogous to that extent.

I think my mom may be coming up to help me pack towards the end of next week; I feel so much relief about packing now (as it is written, two hands are better than one-- so true!). I just have to remind myself, it will all work out in the end. At some point, we will be snug in NE, school completed successfully, the move done, and I will be rolling peanut butter balls for my outgoing Christmas tins.

I can be such a worrywart.

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