
Well, I'm settled in... At least as settled in as a guy living in a hotel room can be!

I SURVIVED my first week of my new store. phew... It was totally a LONG week with the sales rally combined with getting to know my new people but I made it. Work is going EXTREMELY well, my team is awesome and I think we're going to blow the lid off of that store very quickly! In addition to work I've been blessed with some local friends (Kim & Chris) that have been gracious enough to allow me to spend some time with them here and there. On Wednesday, they invited me over for supper; one that was indeed amazing (steak and twice baked potatos) and Tonight we got together again and ate amazing chinese food and watched Get Smart.

So, I'm totally over SEVERAL things that have to do with living the way that I am. 1) I'm over being alone. I REALLY miss my wife. Every single night it's back to ye ole hotel to sleep by myself and be comforted by my TV. That's NOT to say that I'm MISERABLE but it's not nearly as fun as spending the night with my wife.
2) I'm totally over staying in a hotel. It's not JUST that I'm alone, it's partially that I'm in a hotel room with no fridge and no microwave AND the loudest, most annoying group of 15 year olds took over my floor last night (don't they know that I'm a BUSINESS TRAVELER and I deserve quiet? ;) ) . It's weird because when I came last weekend I literally think I was one of 3 guests staying in the hotel. It was quiet and nice! When I returned from Chris & Kim's tonight, there were about 30 cars in the lot... UGH.
3) I'm over eating out.. well, okay, so I'm not really but I HAD to have a #3 or my list wouldn't be long enough to warrant bullet points. And I DO suppose that the funness of eating out is sort of wearing out for me but I can't say I hate it. The worst part is having to get up off my duff and go get some food.

Well, that's all I've got for you all tonight, it's midnight and I'm friggin' tired!



theknittels said...

What Chinese restaurant did you eat at? Is it really close to "home"?

The cats don't quite cut it; I miss you too!

theknittels said...

I'm not sure what it's called but yah, it's about 2 miles from home. and it's not a buffet, but it's REALLY good. AND it won a top 100 in the US rating.

theknittels said...


I think we shall check it out together one of these days
