
Family time and appointments

This afternoon I had the fun annual exam every woman looks forward to. My new gynecologist is wonderful and she makes me want to stay here forever. We spent the majority of my appointment talking about my PCOS and what we need to do now. She was a bit perplexed that the doctor who diagnosed me three years ago didn't run a battery of tests, but just looked at me and labeled me. Friday morning I'm going in for a fasting glucose tolerance test (to see if I am insulin resistant), an ultrasound (to look for cysts on my ovaries), and a cholesterol check (often there are issues in PCOS women). My blood pressure is excellent, and she was very impressed that I am able to lose weight as easily as I am, because most PCOSers have issues there too. All in all, very good! Oh, she wants me off the Tretinoin my dermatologist prescribed since it isn't a good thing to take in case of pregnancy. I am so relieved because that stuff was making a mess out of my face.

I saw the dermatologist yesterday and was informed that thing on my elbow was a type of inflammation with a really really long name. It may or may not go away (he thought it probably won't), but it is harmless. Yaay. I have yet another cream to try starting next week, just to see if it will disappear.

Our visit with Stephen's sister and family was a blast. It was a little crazy at times having a house-full in our little two bedroom apartment, but it was always fun. The adults went out for appetizers and trivia at BWW. "The Game of Things" was a favorite past-time, and we enjoyed a slow, relaxing dinner of fondue. Kristen made an amazing Jello cake that I couldn't get enough of. Agh, I love Jello cake! We gave a Logan a little helicopter like Stephen's for his birthday; he and Stephen flew their little gadgets around a bit Sunday and drove us nuts.

Dad, Tricia, and Erika are coming up Friday. We're planning on having fondue with them too. We might see a movie or go check out a state park if it is nice out (I hope it is... let's see....YES! Dashboard says it will be in the upper 50s-low 60s!) I'm really looking forward to this visit!

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